
Saturday, 24 September 2016

The Sad Happy Mumbai- Mumbaikar

Mumbai, the city is spoken of so much that it is practically the dream of an young mind who is still eluded by the thoughts of chivalry and heroism. Mumbai for me was the land of last choice, I liked Mumbai but the city's culture as portrayed by numerous pictures and evergreen full local was too much for me.The city looked as if too much bling bling and too much hastiness. The city was for me just millions of dreams crushed and made into an 9- 4 cliched job. City for me was nothing but sad and lost adults, heaps of burning garbage and the occasional drunk son of a rich dad.


Well in my limited time here i have found Mumbai not only up to my expectation but much more.
Yes, it is just a huge (gigantic, titanic, massive use whatever synonym u get in mind) boiling pot of people who are already tired of life and just roam around like zombies smoking themselves to death. Yes there is garbage everywhere even if not burning and yes locals are under super crush load density( It's a real term).


Even after all this there is something magical something which cannot be explained that just keeps this city and more importantly it's people going.Thing which makes them smile and deal with the rain and not stop. I am going to call this something the spirit of the city. mind me , spirit of city is not the spirit of people. Spirit of people actually is just an cliched, unexplained good for memo term which has no real meaning. Spirit of city in contradiction is the way in which city test it's dwellers and despite it's obvious faults attracts people like me and you into it's ambit.

I believe it's the spirit of city which keeps the people going, the basic human nature dictates that one must strife to achieve the best and this is what motivates each lifeless soul of this city to keep going. It is the desire of each individual to do better than the person next to him which at some point drives him to keep going and continue the endless cycle of work 5 days and partying the rest. But then the question arises what motivates the first person of this chain reaction to keep going.

The first person of this chain reaction is someone who is the soul, spirit and aatma  of the city. He is the one person who starts this cycle and keeps the city going, he is the one who stretches the city to limits and is unique in a way that he has the courage to go outside the zombie state  which inhibits the people and actually innovate and think. He is the soul reason the people of this city keep going. He is the one who actually chose to stop and think about what was going on, he is the person who finds the time to actually pursue a meaningful goal in his life and give energy towards a goal that made sense to him.

The soul of the city is defined by this entity but not only limited to him.The soul of the city is available to each and everyone of us and if only for once each of could just look inside ourselves and actually stop and listen to the soul of the city inside us.

I would like to point it out that each one of us mumbaikars, newly or not do experience this soul of city everyday. We experience it while in the bus or local, when we watch a old man standing or when we admire the thullas in the drenching rain for their hardwork . It is just that we are in too much of a hurry that we don't stop to appreciate them or help them and thus defy the soul of the city.

SOUL OF THE CITY-  I got it, you got it and 'he' does too, difference is of stopping and acting on that ounce of soul.

So, how is sad Mumbai happy

simply by stopping.

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