The following article has been written by Ritu Jagwani, who happens to a great reader and an agnostic. She provides with an interesting view of things over agnosticism and explains it is neither and the only logical religion to follow in modern times. She explains how agnosticism is different from both theism and atheism.
Either Heads or Tails , or none of them…
There are no degrees of Logic.A position is either logically approved or it is not. Both Theism and Atheism lies in between,the claims presented by both of them (exceptions!),none are to be absolutely 100 percent certain.
One says its HEADS and another says it is TAILS. Now, one more is there who says I don’t hold a position and I don’t care whether its heads or tails .
Many times it happens, that at one time you hate GOD, and at another time you pray to him. But what is the evidence that there is GOD.Yes,Theist will say there are many and atheists will defy them, herein, the Agnostic will say that either of them isn’t demonstrable with sufficient evidence
Agnosticism arose in the days when Atheist were loudly making a strong claim that GOD doesn’t exist and it was a rejection of that certainty.
The basic principle of Agnosticism is, I don’t believe things by default and I prefer beliefs that don’t add unnecessary elements . And I believe things when there is measurable evidence to support the claim.
Agnosticism is basically “Try all things,hold fast by that which is good”. It is the state in which we can discover, without the ned to take a particular side.
One could become Atheist as well as Thiest from Agnostic.
So, guys if you think that there is GOD at one time and at another you think there is no concept of GOD or if you think that you don’t care that there is GOD or not or even if you think that Humanity is basic religion, then do try Agnosticism. Also, the modern Atheist says they don’t believe the Theist’s claim. They also largely do not assert that it is Tails side of a coin. To reject a claim that has not met a reasonable burden of proof is a logically sound position so as long as you don’t assert the opposite. An atheist does not tell us about anything other than the rejection of the claim by Theists.
Agnosticism says I am neither with tails nor with heads because I don’t have sufficient evidence to approve anyone and I have sufficient evidence to not adopt anyone.
Hence, being Agnostic , I don’t have a problem with ‘Atheism’ in general.Theism isn’t logically approved by me .
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